Wednesday, January 11, 1–2 PM
Building A Positive Online Personal Brand Using LinkedIn
Led by Lauren Celano, CEO and Co-founder of Propel Careers
For those of you interested in creating or improving your LinkedIn page, this webinar will provide guidance on leveraging this platform for developing your professional online brand. You will dive deep into which parts of a profile to focus on and how to customize your profile to your career area(s) of interest. Ms. Lauren Celano will discuss:
- Strategies for highlighting your background and experiences as a compliment to your resume
- How organizations use LinkedIn to identify talent for open positions and which sections are most important
- How to use the job preference features to inform internal and external recruiters about what you’re looking for
To register, please email Ms. Katherine Lamb ( The Zoom link will be circulated a few days prior to the event. Trainees of all levels are encouraged to attend!
Thursday, January 12, 1–4 PM
NICHD DIR Tenure-Track Investigator Virtual Symposia Series
“Axon biology in health and disease”
Hosted by Claire Le Pichon, PhD
This series provides tenure-track investigators within NICHD the opportunity to organize a virtual mini-symposium to showcase their area of science to the NICHD DIR and larger NIH intramural community. These symposia are open to all faculty, trainees, and staff at the NIH.
Join the symposium at
Ongoing Events Around Campus
NIH-Wide Office of Intramural Training and Education Events
For more information and registration, please visit Upcoming OITE Events.
NIH Library Training and Events
For more information and registration, please visit the NIH Library Calendar.