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January 2023 Announcements

2023 NICHD Early Career Awards

The NICHD Office of the Director (OD) will be accepting applications for this competitive, internal funding opportunity aimed at promoting the research careers of early-stage intramural researchers in the basic, clinical, and translational sciences. The Early Career Awards program aims to support proposals that benefit the career development of the applicant.

Please check your email for details on this opportunity and the application process—information was provided to appropriate listservs in early December. Applications must be submitted to Ms. Sara King (mullends@mail.nih.gov) by Monday, January 16, 2023, in order to be considered.

NICHD Annual Postbac Seminar Series: Professional Development and Career Exploration

Our Annual Postbac Seminar Series continues into the new year! Join us (virtually) on Wednesdays, from 1 to 2 p.m. (schedule and details below). The intent is to create a comfortable environment within a small group of peers to help postbacs improve their analytical skills as scientists, while expanding their knowledge of biomedical research and its relevance to human health.

Currently there are about 85 postbacs conducting clinical and basic science research in our intramural laboratories. During your one or two years of training here at the NICHD, we want you to have an enriched research experience, while at the same time growing more prepared and excited about your chosen career path.

This series also focuses on professional development:

  • Learning how to present your science
  • Exploring different career trajectories
  • Meeting physicians and scientists from various clinical or research settings
  • Preparing for the medical or graduate school application cycle (including interviews!)

Have an idea for a seminar topic? Know somebody who would make a great speaker for the series? We want to hear from you! Email Dr. Erin Walsh (erin.walsh@nih.gov) with your thoughts.

Schedule of Topics (All sessions take place via Zoom, from 1 to 2 p.m. unless otherwise indicated)
January 11 LinkedIn: Building a Positive Online Personal Brand (Propel Careers)
January 18 The Medical School Application Process (Erin Walsh, PhD, Director, NICHD Office of Education
February 8 The Medical School Personal Statement (Erin Walsh, PhD, Director, NICHD Office of Education)

Stay-tuned for additional sessions, which will be announced by email soon.

If you are interested in attending, please email Ms. Veronica Harker (veronica.harker@nih.gov) to register and let her know which sessions you plan to attend. Zoom links will be distributed a few days prior.

Three-Minute Talks (TmT) Competition 2023

Now Seeking Postdoc & Clinical Fellows, Graduate Students & Postbacs

  • Learn how to explain your research effectively to a broad scientific audience, in three minutes or less, with one-on-one professional training from public speaking coach Scott Morgan.
  • Get the chance to win up to $1,000 for use towards approved training or scientific conference participation.
  • Visit the NICHD TmT Program website for more details: up to 10 DIR fellows (postbac, predoctoral, postdoctoral, visiting and clinical) are invited to compete for these science communication honors.
2023 TmT Program Timeline and Details
Friday, January 27

Deadline to Enter

  • The submission form, competition rules and judging criteria are available at the NICHD TmT Webpage.

Wednesday, February 1
1 PM (Zoom)

Three-Minute Talk Training/Introductory Workshop

  • Tips on scientific storytelling with only one slide
  • Speaking in plain language while addressing the human health relevance for your research
  • Creating effective visual aids

March, April, May
Dates TBD

Individual Coaching/Practice Sessions

  • Meet one-on-one with public speaking coach Scott Morgan
  • Practice your talk and obtain feedback on oral presentation skills and speech development

Date TBD

NICHD TmT Competition

  • Top three will each be awarded $500 for approved training/travel
  • Finalist (Top Score) will be chosen to advance to the NIH-wide competition

Date TBD

NIH TmT Competition

  • NICHD finalist has a chance at additional $500 award if their score is within the top three overall


NIH UNITE: Ending Structural Racism (ESR) Activities

The NIH UNITE initiative was established to identify and address structural racism within the NIH-supported and the greater scientific community.

The ESR Intranet includes various resources like the Toolkit, Newsletter, FAQs, and other information. UNITE Milestones and Progress and the Co-Chairs Corner (public ESR webpages) are other avenues to stay informed on UNITE efforts.