The connection between networking, participating in NIH activities, and career success can be abstract—or fuzzy at best. This month, Anna SantaMaria, Ph.D., a former fellow in the Section on Human Iron Metabolism, describes how networking and leading a committee on campus directly led to her new position as an Associate Director of Regulatory Affairs at an American healthcare company.
Stepping us through her aspirations, trials and tribulations, and ultimate success, Dr. SantaMaria paints a clear picture of how “a fellowship at NIH can successfully launch your career in almost any direction you choose,” as she puts it.
And with that for inspiration, we invite you to browse the many activities and leadership opportunities available to you in this month’s Rep Report, Announcements, and Events!
Your Editor in Chief,
Shana R. Spindler, Ph.D.
This newsletter is for NICHD fellows and by NICHD fellows. We want to hear from you! Please send your questions, comments, and ideas to our editor at