Have You Visited the Bio Careers® Website?
NICHD has an institutional membership with Bio Careers®, an online service that provides in-depth information about career paths for life scientists with advanced degrees. For more information, please visit http://www.biocareers.com to access numerous job ads, helpful webinars, and a newsletter to keep you up-to-date with their latest posts.
NCI Technology Transfer Ambassadors Program Accepting Applications
Deadline to apply is Tuesday, November 1
The NCI Technology Transfer Ambassadors Program (TTAP) is open to NIH postdoctoral trainees, staff scientists, staff clinicians, graduate students, and postbacs at specific Institutes and Centers, including NICHD.
TTAP is a hybrid training/mentoring program that offers participants the opportunity to augment their current research activities with 5–8 hours per week of hands-on training in biomedical invention development, commercialization, and entrepreneurship. Find more information for the program at https://techtransfer.cancer.gov/aboutttc/ambassadors.
Application & Deadline:
If you are interested in joining TTAP, download the application from the website and return with the requested materials to TT_Ambassadors@mail.nih.gov by Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Questions and inquiries can also be sent to this address.
Let Us Know about Your Recent Accomplishments
We’d love to recognize your great news from 2022—from winning a poster award to landing a new job! Please email a brief description of your accomplishment(s) to our editor, Dr. Shana Spindler (shana.spindler@nih.gov), and we will include them in our December issue.
Save the Date: K Awards for Clinical Fellows (Clinical Fellows Only)
Wednesday, November 9, 9 a.m. to 12 noon (Zoom)
For those of you considering applying for an NIH K-series funding opportunity, our office (in collaboration with NHGRI, NIAMS and NIDCR) is excited to offer a special grant writing workshop, specifically developed for clinical fellows.
This webinar, led by Dr. Paula Gregory, Associate Dean for Faculty & Educational Development at University of North Texas, is designed to provide support, opportunities, strategies and resources for career development in clinical and translational research. The critical aspects of writing NIH Career Development (K) grants will be covered, including: the NIH review process, how grants are scored, writing clear and concise Specific Aims, writing the Career Development and Training sections.
The workshop also emphasizes the partnership between the candidate, the mentors and the institution that is necessary to make career development award proposals successful.
Please send an email to Ms. Veronica Harker (veronica.harker@nih.gov) to register for this webinar, and the Zoom link will be provided to you a few days prior to the session.
Register Today! Preparing for Science-Based Non-Traditional Careers (PSNC) Workshops
Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. from October 5 to December 7, 2022 (except November 23)
Presentations will be held virtually via WebEX.
The Preparing for Science-Based Non-Traditional Careers (PSNC) workshops will start on Wednesday, October 5th. The PSNC workshops are aimed to help participants learn about the various career opportunities that lie outside of independent academic research. Many of you will be exploring and choosing from various science-based career options in the future. Given these may include unfamiliar roles outside of traditional bench science, we have invited guest speakers from various science-based backgrounds to provide information and insight that will help inform decisions about potential future endeavors.
Please register by October 26, 2022. The course schedule and registration details are available on the PSNC program website. For more information, please contact Dr. Ravi Dhar.
The NICHD Innovative Culture Staff Survey—Coming Soon!
Do you have ideas or creative solutions for making work more efficient or impactful? What is your perspective and experience on innovation at NICHD?
The Innovative Culture initiative is one of the M&A (Management and Accountability) focus areas that came out of the NICHD 2020 Strategic Plan, and we would like to hear from you! We’re looking at how NICHD can successfully foster an innovative culture within the institute in a way that promotes workforce development, responsive infrastructure, administrative efficiency, and an overall culture that encourages continuous improvement and idea exploration.
Later this month, you will receive an email with a link to a survey. Your anonymous responses will help us gather input on the current culture and hear your suggestions for how we can promote and support innovation.
The survey will be open from October 25th–November 8th and should only take about 5 minutes of your time so please respond as soon as possible with your honest and candid feedback. Following the survey, we will be asking for volunteers and selecting participants to conduct focus groups that will enable us to further explore the themes and insights gleaned from your responses.
If you have questions for the Innovative Culture Project Team, or are interested in participating in one of the focus groups, please reach out to NICHDInnovativeCulture@mail.nih.gov.
NIH UNITE: Ending Structural Racism (ESR) Activities
The NIH UNITE initiative was established to identify and address structural racism within the NIH-supported and the greater scientific community.
The ESR Intranet includes various resources like the Toolkit, Newsletter, FAQs, and other information. UNITE Milestones and Progress and the Co-Chairs Corner (public ESR webpages) are other avenues to stay informed on UNITE efforts.