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February 2022 Announcements

Daniel Tetreault

Daniel Tetreault

Congrats to NICHD Postbac Daniel Tetreault on his Excellent Poster Award!

Daniel Tetreault, postbac fellow in the lab of Dr. Philip Adams, received a Microbiology Society Award for Excellent Poster at the 6th Meeting on Regulating with RNA in Bacteria and Archaea held January 3–6, 2022. He was the only predoctoral scientist chosen out of 84 posters.

Daniel uses a combination of RNA-seq methods to identify potential small base-pairing RNAs (sRNAs). He characterized a novel sRNA and found it regulates virulence genes and is important during mouse infection.

Please join us in congratulating Daniel on this achievement!

Three-Minute Talks (TmT) Competition Deadline to Enter: February 7

Don’t miss your opportunity to enter the 2022 TmT Competition!

  • Learn how to explain your research effectively to a broad scientific audience, in three minutes or less, with one-on-one professional training from public speaking coach Scott Morgan.
  • Get the chance to win up to $1,000 for use towards approved training or scientific conference participation.

To enter, complete the submission form by Monday, February 7. The 2022 Submission Form, competition rules, and judging criteria are available at the NICHD TmT Webpage. Up to 10 DIR fellows (postbac, predoctoral, postdoctoral, visiting and clinical) are invited to compete for these science communication honors.

NIH Grant Writing Course

Are you planning to apply for a NIH research grant in 2022? There are various application due dates for NIH grants, and we are offering a virtual grant writing course that’s just for you!

In collaboration with three other institutes, we are offering an NIH Grant Writing Course for fellows this March and April. Led by Dr. Paula Gregory (Assistant Dean for Medical Student Research and Professor in the Department of Genetics, Louisiana State University), this course will help students prepare a successful NIH grant proposal, with special emphasis on the career transition “K” grant series. With high reviews from past participants, NHGRI has offered this course for several years, and as a result, many of their fellows have been awarded NIH grants!

The classes will combine didactic presentations with group discussions, assignments, and proposal writing. A distance-learning component will allow you to submit writings between the virtual meetings and receive edits and valuable feedback. Participants will also conduct an NIH mock study section. During the process of scoring real grant applications, trainees will learn about the review process and the key aspects of a successful application.

Below is the schedule (must attend all sessions):

  • March 3: 1 p.m.–4 p.m.
  • March 4: 1 p.m.–4 p.m.
  • March 17: 1 p.m.–4 p.m.
  • March 18: 1 p.m.–4 p.m.
  • March 31: 1 p.m.–4 p.m.
  • April 1: 1 p.m.–4 p.m.

There are four spots available for NICHD fellows. If you would like to join this course, please email Dr. Erin Walsh (erin.walsh@nih.gov) and indicate which NIH grant you are planning to apply for.

Genetics Policy and Genetics Education Fellowship Opportunities

Beginning this month, applications will be accepted for the 2022–23 Genetics & Public Policy and Genetics Education & Engagement fellowships, cosponsored by the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI).

For more information, and to apply, visit Genetics & Public Policy Fellowship and Genetics Education & Engagement Fellowship.

Don't Forget: NICHD Early Career Award Applications Are Due This Month

Please refer to the email distribution for the full award announcement and application instructions. All questions may be directed to Olga Cherkasova (olga.cherkasova@nih.gov). Applications are due by Monday, February 14, 2022.

This award is a competitive, internal funding opportunity aimed at promoting the research careers of early-stage intramural researchers in the basic, clinical, and translational sciences. Awardees will receive up to $25,000 for outstanding, original research proposals, to support one-year research projects. Additionally, awardees will receive up to $10,000 for proposed scientific meeting participation and/or training that supports scientific and/or professional development.

Postdoctoral fellows, research fellows, and clinical fellows in the NICHD Divisions of Intramural Research and Population Health Research are eligible to apply for this award. Staff clinicians may apply with clear justification of how this award fits within your career trajectory.

Please note that this opportunity is separate from the NICHD Intramural Research Fellowship, administered by the NICHD Office of Education.