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January 2022 Announcements

Seeking Image Submissions for the 17th Annual Fellows Meeting

We are beginning our search for the feature image of the 17th Annual NICHD Fellows Meeting.

The winning image will be showcased on the fellows retreat website, on posters, and used as the front cover of the event program. Also, to highlight everyone’s imagery, all submissions we receive will be used to produce a collage posted on the 2022 retreat website. You can always view image submissions from previous years at http://retreat.nichd.nih.gov.

In addition to image resolution and quality, selection criteria include the relevance to our institute’s mission and artistic view of the image. All submissions (at the highest possible resolution) should be sent to Nicki Swan (jonasnic@mail.nih.gov) by January 31, 2022, with a brief caption for the image.

NICHD Annual Postbac Seminar Series: Professional Development and Career Exploration

Our Annual Postbac Seminar Series continues into the new year! Join us (virtually) on Wednesdays, from 1 to 2 p.m. (schedule and details below). The intent is to create a comfortable environment within a small group of peers to help postbacs improve their analytical skills as scientists, while expanding their knowledge of biomedical research and its relevance to human health.

Currently there are about 100 postbacs conducting clinical and basic science research in our intramural laboratories. During your one or two years of training here at the NICHD, we want you to have an enriched research experience, while at the same time growing more prepared and excited about your chosen career path.

This series also focuses on professional development:

  • Learning how to present your science
  • Exploring different career trajectories
  • Meeting physicians and scientists from various clinical or research settings
  • Preparing for the medical or graduate school application cycle (including interviews!)

Have an idea for a seminar topic? Know somebody who would make a great speaker for the series? We want to hear from you! Email Dr. Erin Walsh (erin.walsh@nih.gov) with your thoughts.

Schedule of Topics

(All sessions take place via Zoom, from 1 to 2 p.m. unless otherwise indicated)

January 12 How to Evaluate, Build, and Highlight Transferrable Skills (Propel Careers)
January 26 Career Planning Step One: Knowing the End of Your Rainbow (Triesta Fowler, MD)
February 2 The Medical School Search and Application Process (Triesta Fowler, MD)
February 9 LinkedIn: Building a Positive Online Personal Brand (Propel Careers)
February 16 The Medical School Personal Statement (Triesta Fowler, MD)
To Be Announced Meet the Scientist: Clinical Research
To Be Announced Meet the Scientist: Basic Science Research
To Be Announced The Graduate School Search and Application Process (Erin Walsh, PhD)
To Be Announced The Graduate School Personal Statement (Erin Walsh, PhD)

Stay-tuned for the final schedule, which will be announced by email soon.

If you are interested in attending, please email Veronica Harker (veronica.harker@nih.gov) to register and let her know which sessions you plan to attend. Zoom links will be distributed a few days prior.

Three-Minute Talks (TmT) Competition 2022

Now Seeking Postdoc & Clinical Fellows, Graduate Students & Postbacs

  • Learn how to explain your research effectively to a broad scientific audience, in three minutes or less, with one-on-one professional training from public speaking coach Scott Morgan.
  • Get the chance to win up to $1,000 for use towards approved training or scientific conference participation.
  • Visit the NICHD TmT Program website for more details: up to 10 DIR fellows (postbac, predoctoral, postdoctoral, visiting and clinical) are invited to compete for these science communication honors

2022 TmT Program Timeline and Details

Monday, February 7

Deadline to Enter

Friday, February 11

Three-Minute Talk Training/Introductory Workshop

  • Tips on scientific storytelling with only one slide
  • Speaking in plain language while addressing the human health relevance for your research
  • Creating effective visual aids

March, April, May
Dates TBD

Individual Coaching/Practice Session

  • Meet one-on-one with public speaking coach Scott Morgan
  • Practice your talk and obtain feedback on oral presentation skills and speech development
June, Date TBD

NICHD TmT Competition

  • Top three will each be awarded $500 for approved training/travel
  • Finalist (Top Score) will be chosen to advance to the NIH-wide competition
June, Date TBD

NIH TmT Competition

  • NICHD finalist has a chance at additional $500 award if their score is within the top three overall


Upcoming Career Planning Webinar Series

Led by Lauren Celano, CEO and Co-founder of Propel Careers

Trainees at all levels are encouraged to attend!

How to Evaluate, Build, and Highlight Transferrable and Career Relevant Skills

Wednesday, January 12, 1–2 p.m.

Lauren Celano will provide insight on how to evaluate the transferable skills that are valued in various scientific careers, highlighting the essential non-scientific skills you can build while performing research, and demonstrating ways to apply these skills in your desired career to achieve your goals. Advice will be provided for various career paths, including research and non-research roles. Lauren will also provide guidance on how to package scientific and non-scientific skills on resumes, cover letters, and during interviews.

Building a Positive Online Personal Brand using LinkedIn

Wednesday, February 9, 1–2 p.m.

For those of you interested in creating or improving your LinkedIn page, this webinar will provide guidance on leveraging this platform for developing your professional online brand. You will dive deep into which parts of a profile to focus on and how to customize your profile to your career area(s) of interest. Lauren Celano will discuss:

  • Strategies for highlighting your background and experiences as a compliment to your resume
  • How organizations use LinkedIn to identify talent for open positions and which sections are most important
  • How to use the job preference features to inform internal and external recruiters about what you’re looking for

To register, please email Katherine Lamb (katherine.lamb@nih.gov) and indicate which session(s) you plan to attend. The Zoom link will be circulated a few days prior to each.