Mentor of the Year Awards: Accepting Nominations Now!
Do you have an outstanding mentor?
The time has come for you to nominate your fellow or PI for the 2021 NICHD Mentor of the Year Awards . This is your chance to recognize an individual in the Division of Intramural Research (DIR) or Division of Intramural Population Health Research (DIPHR) whose mentoring has made a difference in your life at the NIH!
Below is the link to obtain information about the NICHD’s two annual intramural Mentor of the Year Awards, one for a fellow and one for an investigator . Please submit your nomination form and a 500-word (maximum) narrative electronically to Dr. Erin Walsh (
The submission deadline is Friday, June 25, 2021.
Please contact the Office of Education if you have any questions about the nomination instructions or selection process. Information available at: Mentor of the Year Awards
Japan Society for Promotion of Science Accepting Applications for NIH Intramural Fellowship
This NIH Intramural Fellowship was created in 1995 to promote bilateral cooperation between NIH and the JSPS Foundation. This partnership-based program is primarily funded by the JSPS Foundation with co-funding from the NIH host institute or center. JSPS is the largest government-supported foundation in Japan that provides fellowships to Japanese scientists.
The NIH-JSPS Intramural Fellowship provides a two-year stipend to Japanese postdocs to work at NIH intramural labs. This fellowship is awarded to about 10 postdocs annually. For more information about the fellowship and application documents, please visit The application due date is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 28.
Virtual Grant Writing Session for IRF Applicants
Monday, June 7, 2–4 PM
Led by Triesta Fowler, MD
In 2018, DIR launched the Intramural Research Fellowship (IRF), a competitive research funding opportunity for NICHD postdoctoral, visiting, and clinical fellows. Its main objective is to promote grant writing among our intramural trainees, while enhancing awareness of the various components of an NIH grant application. For all prospective applicants, the Office of Education will offer a training session to cover various components of an NIH grant, details about the application and review processes, and tips on preparing an IRF application.
Attendance at this virtual training session is a requirement for submission. For more information on the IRF, please visit NICHD Intramural Research Fellowship. The IRF submission date is Wednesday, September 8, 2021 .
Please email Ms. Veronica Harker ( if you are planning to attend the training session.
As a new requirement for this cycle, in order to apply for this award, you must also submit a brief statement of intent to Dr. Triesta Fowler ( ) by Friday, June 4th (copying your NICHD mentor to confirm their support). This statement should be submitted as a pdf document and should provide a brief summary ( ½ –1 page maximum) of your IRF research proposal and a running title for the application. Please note that the details of your proposal do not need to be solidified for this statement of intent—rather, this should be a brief introduction and summary of the project you are planning.
Communicate Your Research to the Public
Did you know? The NICHD Office of Communications posts intramural research findings on the institute’s social media accounts. They’re looking for fellows to discuss their work and pose for pictures in the lab, to offer a behind-the-scenes look at research. If you are interested or have biomedical art images to share, please contact Linda Huynh, PhD, at
If you have an accepted manuscript that is potentially newsworthy for the public, please email the office’s press team at before the paper is published. Include a copy of the manuscript and a brief, plain language explanation on why the work is important.
SAVE THE DATE! Three-minute-Talk (TmT) Program: The 2021 Final Competition (Virtual)
Friday, June 25, 10 AM–12 noonImagine describing your research in less than three minutes. See how it’s done!
We would like to invite everyone to our final TmT Virtual event for 2021, where our NICHD finalists will present their research stories with others from NHGRI, NIDCR, NIAMS, NEI, NCATS, NIDCD, NINR, NIAID, and NIDDK.
A Zoom link will be circulated to NICHD trainees and staff a few days prior to the event.